Monday, July 21, 2008

Moody Mondays

Moody Mondays #22 July 21, 2008
This weeks Moody Mondays is Gas Prices and Traveling!
How much is gas per gallon in your area? Gas is around $3.99 in my area.
If you work, how do you get there? Personal vehicle? Public Transportation? Car Pool? I don't work outside the home but I would have to take my personal vehicle if I did.
Will you be traveling much or will the cost of gas keep you home? We will take weekend trips but no long vacations this year.
Where would you like to go if the cost of gas was lower? To visit my Grandmother in Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

ShannonW said...

I would love to not work outside the home and I would love to take a long vacation. But gas prices keep me home.

Thanks for playing today!