Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Thursday Threesome

The Thursday Threesome (05/15/08)
::Mark my Words::
Onesome: Mark--ing devices? What do you use to mark things up around the house, school, work, wherever? Does the Sharpie rule? ...or do you believe in the sanctity of the pencil ? I guess I grab whatever is handy.
Twosome: "My-- day starts off best when I......" I'll let you fill in the blank at your place! My day starts off best when I have gotten a good night's sleep.
Threesome: Words-- of a feather clump together? Nah, but hey: what word pairings do you use routinely? Are you into alliteration? ...pithy comments? 'Down home' sayings? Give it up for Thursday! Since I spend most of the day alone I guess I don't have any special sayings as such.

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