Sunday, April 20, 2008

Randomness...feed your mind and your blog

randomness...feed your mind and your blog

week of april.20.2006: april showers bring may flowers

well, spring has finally arrived, how do you feel?
has it been a long hard winter for you?
does the beautiful spring weather put you in a good mood?
some people do spring cleaning,
some suffer from seasonal allergies,
and others just dont care at all.
how do you feel about spring time, do you have any rituals?

till next time...till next time...

Living in Southwest Florida we don't have the change of seasons like most of the U.S. Our winter was very mild and our spring started out HOT! We had many days of upper 80's and low 90's and that is just too hot for spring. It has calmed down and been in the high 70's-low 80's the past week or so. When I was in Atlanta I got a taste of a real spring. The weather was 70-75, the flowers were in bloom, there was a nice breeze and it actually felt fresh and clean.

My older son suffers from seasonal allergies so with the coming of spring comes his allergies. He has had then so long it hardly seems to bother him. Another side effect of spring is my desire to clean. This is an unconscience thing. I just do a more throrough cleaning in the spring.

I love spring, before the sweltering heat of summer and after the coolness of winter. I love to have my windows open and feel the breeze. I love all the flowers blooming and the grass becoming more green. Spring makes me happy!

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