Monday, April 28, 2008

Moody Mondays

Moody Monday #10 April 28, 2008

This weeks Moody Mondays is all about..."Would You Rather?"
Here are a few questions for you to answer:
01. Would you rather sleep in late or get up early each day? Get up early. If I sleep late I feel I have missed out on a good part of the day. Today I got up at 4:30 a.m. Now that is TOO early!
02. Would you rather work from home or work outside the home? I was a stay at home mom for 15 years before I got divorced. I have had two jobs in the past four years and am now home due to a lay off. I would love to find something I could do at home and make money.
03. Would you rather know it all or have it all? Hmm...maybe know it all. If you knew it all you could probably figure out a way to have it all too. Right?
04. Would you rather lose the Internet or lose your television? No thought on this one, lose the television. There are so many shows you can watch from your computer that the tv probably wouldn't be missed. But no internet? Horrors!!!
05. Would you rather exercise at home or exercise in a gym? Funny question. Up until today I have never exercised. I may have walked around my neighborhood but never actively exercised. I joined Curves today and did the 30 minute circuit and it was fun.

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