Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Thursday Threesome

The Thursday Threesome August 7, 2008
From the Advertising Department:
::"Leggo' my Eggos!"::
Onesome: Leggo'-- of that! Okay, is there something (sure, food works!) that shows up from time to time that you'd really like to have and someone else usually makes a grab for it? I'm thinking Christmas is coming and maybe those 'special' cookies need to be planned for...Around my house Krispy Kreme donuts disappear. I guess we need to buy a few more at one time.
Twosome: my-- how time flies: Back to School sales are already over and I'm seeing Thanksgiving stuff in the stores! Whaddayathink: are you ready for Summertime to be over and done with? I am ready for summertime to be over - it has been far too hot far too long and it is time for my son to go back to school!
Threesome: Eggos-- and the like: do you have a frozen food you keep around just because you actually like the darned thing? Do fudgesicles count?

1 comment:

ShannonW said...

Mmmm Krispy Kreme! ohhh and fudgesicles.